Prepare for exam success with our new AQA Practice Tests with Answers!
We’re excited to reveal the new titles we’ve added to our range of GCSE 9–1 AQA Practice Tests: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and The Sign of the Four.
Key features:
- Each title contains four practice tests, all with fully annotated sample answers and examiner-style feedback at levels Mid, Good and Very High.
- Plus, find three further questions with indicative content to help you practise.
- Feel comfortable and familiar with exam-style questions so you’ll know what to expect in the exam.
- Strengthen your weaknesses and amplify your strengths before the exam so you can relax knowing you’ve done your very best.
Explore the six titles in our range, each with a corresponding study guide and workbook:
- A Christmas Carol (+ corresponding study guide + workbook)
- An Inspector Calls (+ corresponding study guide + workbook)
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (+ corresponding study guide + workbook)
- Macbeth (+ corresponding study guide + workbook)
- Romeo and Juliet (+ corresponding study guide + workbook)
- The Sign of the Four (+ corresponding study guide + workbook)
And don't forget our practice tests for English Language GCSE 9–1!

Make revision fun with York Notes! Find all our GCSE 9–1 titles here.