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Twelfth Night: AS & A2 York Notes A Level Revision Guide

Examiner's Grade

A The examiner gave this sample answer a Grade A.
Now read the comments below to understand why this grade was given.
The examiner also provides tips on how the answer might be improved.


AO1: Expression throughout is sophisticated and informed, although in seeking to pursue original lines of debate the argument occasionally gets lost. 'False' and 'self' love may not be quite the same thing, and this needs further clarification.

AO2: Excellent critical understanding of how language and structure affect meaning, especially in identifying key tropes or motifs such as the 'hart' and what it might imply.

AO3: Different interpretations are clearly signposted, and critical comment fluently interwoven in the response, although the initial excellent reading of what 'true' love might be is not perhaps pursued to its logical conclusion in questioning whether Orsino replaces one fantasy (Olivia) with another (Cesario/Viola).

AO4: This is particularly strong in the response; in referencing Wyatt and the motif of the 'hart', as well as the conventions of courtly and romantic love poetry, the student demonstrates how our understanding of the intention of love poetry can lead us either to question Orsino's sincerity, or applaud it.

For an A* grade

  • Clarify the argument and follow it through with unwavering attention to the key focuses. Simplify the opening paragraph without losing the insight and original thinking.
  • Cut out unnecessary contextual reference unless genuinely informing the argument.
  • Don't try to cover too many aspects within one sentence or paragraph, but unpack each idea clearly and carefully for the reader.

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