Animal Farm (Grades 9–1) York Notes GCSE Revision Guide

GCSE Study Notes and Revision Guides

Animal Farm (Grades 9–1) York Notes

George Orwell

Revise the key points

Read through the key points, then print the cards as a handy revision aid.

1 Mr Jones

The owner of Manor Farm. A cruel, lazy and often drunk farmer.


Animal Farm (Grades 9–1)

2 Old Major

The oldest and most respected animal on the farm, he lays down the guiding principles for the new social system – Animalism.


Animal Farm (Grades 9–1)

3 Napoleon

The eventual ruler of Animal Farm. The novel traces his rise to power, and descent into tyranny.


Animal Farm (Grades 9–1)

4 Snowball

Napoleon’s rival for power. He is more idealistic and cares more about all the animals than Napoleon does. Napoleon drives him from the farm.


Animal Farm (Grades 9–1)

5 Boxer

The most dedicated, and unquestioning supporter of the Revolution. The carthorse works tirelessly for Animal Farm but his trust is abused by Napoleon.


Animal Farm (Grades 9–1)

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